Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Lowdown on Charlie Cards

When it comes to payment on the MBTA subway you have two options (and no, jumping the turnstile does not count!): Charlie Card and Charlie Ticket

Unless you're in Boston for a day or two, the card trumps the ticket. The Charlie Card charges cheaper rides and is easy to reload. Charlie tickets charge standard fare and are harder to scan. While scanning takes a second seconds longer this makes a huge difference when trying to catch the morning subway. Charlie Cards are also great because you can register your card! 

Yay, card!
Boo, ticket!

Make sure you keep track of you cards. I learned the hard way when I purchased a monthly pass for my Charlie Card. I lost the card and the stored monthly pass (a nontrivial ~$80).

Pro tip: You can register your Charlie Card online with the MBTA. 

That way if you ever lose your card you don't lose any of your money.

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