Monday, March 27, 2017

Confession: I'm an MBTA Clicktivist

Is this the best I can do?
With the recent threats to suspend weekend Commuter Rail service still making me twitch, I've been  forced me reconsider my passive approach to transit issues. Living south of the city, I rely heavily on weekend CR trips to keep my outings within the limits of my meager social budget. Despite the negative impact the cuts to service would have on my life, I failed to do anything beyond sign a petition fellow Weird MBTA blogger Mick Joeber laid right in front of me with his recent blog post and passively complain to people within my bubble.

There is an ugly truth I have to accept about myself: I'm a MBTA clicktivist.

I got lucky this time. The outcry, much of it through social media, seems to be enough to stave of the weekend CR cuts, at least for the time being. But had the cuts gone through, I'd have to accept that I essentially sat there reading about Tom Brady's jersey from "The Big Game" while a critical public utility was at stake. The lesson: time to do more. The MBTA has dozens of public meetings scheduled in the coming month and I pledge to attend one of them and report back to our loyal readers what I learned. It's time to do more than just create hashtags and like posts to get what we want. #dosomething

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