Friday, April 7, 2017

Should MBTA Compensate Commuters?

So, let’s see if we can get this straight!

The MBTA is blaming Keolis Commuter Services, the commuter rail operator, for delays and cancelation happening since Wednesday. To support their case, the MBTA is presenting their evidence which is the amount of $204,000 they fined the Keolis company since July. However, Keolis is pleading not guilty because they claim the MBTA’s new locomotives are defective.  

My friend T-Rider said “who cares? The MBTA may blame whoever they want. The buck
will always stop with them. They should take the blame, apologize to passengers, and compensate them for losses.” When I asked him if he was serious about compensation, he asked me to pay attention to the $204,000 and then to tell him who had had damages and losses that was entitled to part of that $204,000 remedy. He insisted in asking me if I could see a passenger in the case.

I had to admit to myself that he had a point, but I thought that was being too harsh on MBTA. After all, they do what they can, and we all know that s*#t happens. It seems that they have a contract with a company, Keolis, to operate the commuter rail, and if the contractor doesn’t do its job, it is not the MBTA’s fault. That’s how business is done. Or at least, sometimes!

But T-Rider was not done. He said it was absolutely a joke that a reporter would title his article as For the third straight day, delays and a cancelation on commuter rail lines. Looking at the article as if he was staring at the reporter, he asked, “Where you’ve been? Did you know that delays on MBTA are every day? Or are you trying to make it look abnormal? FYI, that doesn’t help.”

I asked God for strength. I’m telling you, people are weird! Believe me!

Now, you tell us,  

Should the MBTA compensate commuters?


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